HomeFamily Therapist, Collingwood, ONTeen Therapist, Collingwood, ON

Teen Therapist, Collingwood, ON

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We can help your teen work through issues they are struggling with.


These days, being a teenager can be tough. Between academic and social pressures, problems with friends, and the idea of going out into the world independently looming ahead of them, many teens today struggle with low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Teen Therapist

More About Collingwood Psychotherapy & Yoga Centre

Test Therapist

If you are worried about your teen and their mental health, have them come and see us at Collingwood Psychotherapy & Yoga Centre. Located in Collingwood, Ontario, we can set your teenager up with a teen therapist who will be compassionate, understanding, and committed to improving your teen’s mental health and wellbeing.

Although your teenager may tell you that they are fine when you ask, they still may need to see a teen therapist for mental health support. Your teen may benefit from talking to a therapist if their performance in school suddenly drops, they are moody and miserable at home, they are getting into trouble at school or in the community, they have started avoiding social functions, their irritability has started to affect their life, they are always tired, or they have started to exhibit self-destructive behaviors.

We only want what’s best for your teen and their future, so we will use psychotherapy to help them work through their struggles, learn effective coping mechanisms, and improve their mental health. If you are interested in having your child talk to a teen therapist, reach out to us today to schedule an appointment.

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Common Questions About Our Therapy Services for Teens

Being a teenager today is hard, and many teens experience emotional and mental health issues that affect their relationships and performance at school. We work with teenagers at Collingwood Psychotherapy & Yoga Centre and have answered a few questions about our therapy services below.

When should I seek therapy for my teen?

Your teenager may benefit from therapy if they are moody and miserable at home, they get into trouble at school or in the community, or if their performance in school suddenly drops. They may also benefit from therapy if they are always tired, have started to engage in self-destructive behaviors, or avoid social functions. Therapy is most beneficial for your teen if they choose to be in therapy. To help them feel more open to therapy, ask them to choose from the therapists we offer and find a time that suits them. It can be very difficult for a therapist to connect with a teen who is dead set against engaging in therapy and feels they are being forced to be there or that it is a punishment.

Can you help my teenager who is struggling with anxiety?
Yes! We frequently work with teenagers who are dealing with anxiety and depression.
How can psychotherapy help my teenager?
During each psychotherapy session, one of our therapists will work with your teenager to help them develop effective coping mechanisms, work through their struggles, and improve their mental health overall.
What is the role of a therapist?
The role of the therapist is to create a safe space for our teenage patients to explore their emotions. We will help your child work through their emotions and guide them as they work on connecting more deeply with others and their internal world.
How do I make an appointment for my teenager?
Please book your first session through our website. You can also contact us directly to make a therapy appointment for your teenager, but it is our preference that your teenager make that contact themselves. We will make sure the time works well with your schedule and your teenager’s current schedule.

Our Mission

To provide clients with an accepting, friendly space to discover their healing path and to develop therapeutic relationships that sustain, inspire and guide them.

To provide clients with highly skilled, self responsible and self aware psychotherapists and yoga therapists who are always striving to learn about advancements in their fields and to continually develop themselves.

To create psychoeducational opportunities for clients to empower them to learn about their symptoms and how they can move towards healing and growth.

To provide innovative training programs that develop highly competent, self aware, self responsible, and inspiring psychotherapists and yoga therapists.