From Exhaustion to Vitality: Healing Trauma, Connecting with Peace, and Remembering Your Worth

HomeFrom Exhaustion to Vitality: Healing Trauma, Connecting with Peace, and Remembering Your Worth

 6 week Therapy Accelerator Program



  • You have gathered your courage and you are READY to take a big step forward in your growth, development and healing
  • You want to take the steps you need to move towards feeling less anxious, exhausted and hopeless and you are going to clear the time it takes to make it happen.
  • But you are not sure which direction to focus your attention for your highest healing and to take a big leap forward. 
  • You know you have a history of childhood trauma or neglect and may even have experienced additional traumatic events in your adult life, maybe even at work, but you haven’t found a way to clear the roots of this trauma so that you can live your life with more freedom and joy.
  • You have been dragging yourself through your day and you are tired of low energy, poor mood and feeling depleted no matter what you do. 
  • You feel tired but wired, but you want to feel grounded and energized
  • Your relationships with family, with friends and colleagues are suffering
  • You want tools you can use NOW to give your healing journey a head start and lead you in the right direction FOR YOU
  • You have tried everything but nothing seems to stick….


    You are finding that your work or home environment is causing or adding to the overwhelm you feel inside of you, and every day you feel like you are just hanging on.

    It is getting harder and harder to maintain your composure – you may have even lost it once or twice in front of a colleague, client, friend or family member, ending up in a puddle of tears or full of shame.

    Perhaps you have considered or chosen to take a leave from work to see if taking time for you can help get a handle on what you are feeling.

    If so, you are not alone. I get it. I’ve had clients come to me after years of taking care of everyone, everything and still never feeling like they are enough.

    Many clients come to me saying, “I feel so tired and so anxious. I’m so overwhelmed. I’m working as hard as I can, and I’m just not getting anywhere”. They want to know what direction to move so they can start to feel better, but they just don’t know where to turn.

    Maybe you are confused because you’ve tried all the online yoga classes, meditations, and read all the books,  but none of these things seemed to make a dent. You are still exhausted, anxious and overwhelmed. You want to focus your energy in a direction that will result in some payoff.


    I told you that humans are designed to shut down when they need to heal, and this is your body and your intuition letting you know that something’s gotta give? If you keep pushing in the same direction, you will end up in the same place you find yourself now. Often when we are lost, we need some guidance to get us back onto our path. 

    For healing to take hold, we often need others to support us, to guide us, to reflect us and encourage us. We also need healing practices that we engage with consistently, for a long period of time, in the right direction, with enthusiasm (Yoga Sutra 1.14). It can be so helpful to have someone who has been there to help us develop this practice and to encourage us to keep going with it. Your unique practice is ideally guided by a person you connect well with, whom you trust and who has the skills, tools and abilities you need to help you engage your unique internal healing technologies that every person has. You have so many resources within, and once you awaken or remember them, they will always be available to you to tap into as you need them.


    • “Can I learn to move into challenging situations without collapsing or turning on myself or someone else?”
    • “Can I learn to develop energy rather than sap it?”
    • “Can I really reduce my anxiety to manageable levels?”
    • “Can I really hold my boundaries?”
    • “Does internal peace really exist for me?”
    • “Am I even worthy of healing?”

    In this 6-week program, From Exhaustion to Vitality: Healing Trauma, Cultivating Peace, and Remembering Your Worth, I’m going to show you exactly how to answer yes to each of those questions. I know it’s possible. I’ve worked with motivated but exhausted clients to guide them to move from feeling unworthy to developing lives they are proud of and energy that sustains them. I have watched them step into their lives with wonder and a greater capacity for joy where before they felt so lonely, lost, depleted, worried and afraid.

    But you don’t change your life by just wanting it. You change your life by consistently engaging the inner technologies that all of us have, but most of us have forgotten. When practiced with specificity to you, these techniques affect change in your whole body, your whole being, your multifaceted, multidimensional Self. But, you need a strategy tailored to you that works with all the layers of your being and in the direction you want to go. 

    Learn More


    “I did Tara’s intensive, having no idea what to expect. On the most basic level, it was a nurturing week in a safe environment that left me feeling connected and inspired. This in and of itself was amazing. It truly felt like a gift to myself. It was also, however, deeply and mysteriously transformative, in a way that continues to surprise, astonish and intrigue me 3 months later. The retreat facilitated shifts that I only hoped might be possible and revealed and attended to areas I didn’t even know needed to be healed.  The gift of holding space for others, and for allowing myself the courage to be vulnerable in front of others while healing, was also extremely meaningful and enriching, even more so than if I were to do this process privately, I think. I left thinking it was the best-kept magic secret in this small town.  And I have traveled the world seeking out healing transformative experiences!”

    “The process of “Re-membering” provided a deep sense of clarity & understanding of the self. I left feeling empowered to continue to do the work and trust the process, developed a strong connection to self, the earth and all who inhabit it, while gaining a newfound love for yoga. Life-changing experience!”


    • You can confidently commit the time both to the program and the at home practices – maybe you’re on a stress leave from work, maybe you have decided you want to prioritize your mental health for once.
    • You are interested in healing through the inner technologies of yoga, psychotherapy and education.
    • You are looking for a personalized roadmap towards healing your unique mind, heart and soul.
    • You feel inspired to step into your inner world with compassion and guidance.
    • You want to experience individualized and group support – a community – as you grow and evolve.
    • You are ready to be FREE of your trauma symptoms, to feel RESTED, EMBODIED and GROUNDED.
    • You want to find CLARITY around what has been happening for you.
    • You want to feel curious and inspired about what life has to offer you.


    • Ready to have a HEALING ROAD MAP designed just for you that will allow you to STRATEGICALLY move towards developing grounded energy, deeper meaning in your life and a sense of peace.
    • Ready to feel improvements in your mood, relationships and perceptions
    • Ready to allow subtle shifts in yourself that can result in big changes in your life
    • Ready to reduce shame by understanding what has been going wrong for your brain and body from a neuroscientific and yogic perspective
    • Ready to discover your ability to sleep again
    • Ready to build supportive relationships
    • Ready to identify and address the blocks and obstacles to healing
    • Ready to feel more embodied, present and clear-headed
    • Ready to integrate the gains you make


    In this powerful, highly supportive psychotherapy and yoga program, we’ll help you develop the understanding and practices you need to release the blocks and obstacles keeping you stuck in exhaustion, confusion and anxiety so you can become more grounded, energized, inspired and ready to meet life’s challenges.

    Through a mixture of individual and group psychotherapy experiences, yoga therapy and psychoeducation, this program will accelerate your healing journey, allowing you to embody the results you are hoping for. Whether this program offers a boost to your current healing practice or is a completely new experience, you will get something powerful out of it.

    And don’t worry – we have you covered with a follow-up program to maintain the supportive community you’ll be a part of and continue with your therapeutic goals.

    We will break everything down into simple steps that are tailored to your constitution and the particular way your mind works.

    Yes, I’m IN!


    1. Assess your individual needs, obstacles and goals through both a psychotherapeutic and yoga therapy lens
    2. Develop a simple yet effective yoga therapy practice to address psychological and physical issues that will move you in the direction of your goals
    3. Build a supportive therapeutic community
    4. Learn about how to work with the brain to heal your system
    5. Learn how yoga works with energy to heal your system
    6. Learn to use the mind to resource yourself for internal soothing and shifting old habits
    7. Work to identify and dismantle, release and transform your obstacles and blocks to healing
    8. Work to soften or clear the symptom that is causing you the most pain
    9. Engage in a final retreat for group support, yoga practice and profound psychotherapy sessions.
    10. Develop a plan for maintaining the gains and continuing the journey
    11. BONUS: Recorded visualizations for ongoing inspiration, soothing, relaxing and softening of the nervous system and body.


    A 6-week therapeutic experience – online and in person

    Week 1 – The program begins with an assessment:

    • Each assessment will be an opportunity for you and Tara to get to know each other, for you to describe what you are hoping for and what has been getting in your way, and to make sure this program is a fit for you.
    • Tara will assess from both a psychotherapeutic lens as well as a yoga therapy lens, which means she will assess not only psychological issues you are experiencing but also physical and physiological symptoms.
    • You will leave with a yoga therapy practice designed to heal the physical, physiological, psychological and/or spiritual aspects of you. You will also leave with a plan for what we will focus on in your psychotherapy time together.

    Weeks 2-5

    Bi-Weekly Group Session:

    • Bi-Weekly, 3 hour, IN PERSON GROUP SESSIONS on Friday afternoons that will include:
    • 1 hour: Psychoeducation detailing 1) What trauma is 2) how it impacts the nervous system and 3) what to do about it. 
    • 1 hour: Therapeutic yoga class to embody the theories
    • 1 hour: A final group experience to practice inner healing technologies and learn to resource your inner world for deeper peace.
    • Goal and Workbook to accompany these sessions and help you integrate the material at home.


    • Access to online or in person yoga classes throughout the week delivered by the Sanctuary in Creemore
    • Access to a pre-recorded yoga course describing the ways yoga works with energy and embodying this with a practice

    Week 6 – Final in Person Retreat:

    • We will end the program with a 5-day, in person yoga and psychotherapy retreat in the Creemore area (8:00am-5:30pm).
    • Focus is on profound, attuned and personal work in a supportive group environment.
    • If you are from out of town or don’t want to drive home, there are many B &B’s nearby that we can suggest.


    Follow up programs to maintain the gains and go deeper include:

    • Ongoing individual psychotherapy (not included in program fee)
    • Silent Yoga Retreat
    • Healing Group

    Sign Me Up!


    • Feel more energized and calmer
    • Understand where your symptoms are coming from and how to address them
    • Know how to ground, soothe, support and strengthen the nervous system, physical, physiological and spiritual aspects of you.
    • Be able to sleep with more depth and satisfaction
    • Have softened or cleared the triggers that are causing you so much distress
    • Feel empowered to continue to use the many tools you will have embodied to keep your nervous system steady, your body relaxed and your physiology healthy.
    • Be calmer and more regulated in your relationships and have new ways to cope with your upset
    • Have a group of supportive people who are behind you, sharing your ups and downs
    • Feel seen, known, understood and accepted – within and without
    • Know about creating internal security for all aspects of you
    • Be ready to meet life’s challenges with more confidence and discernment
    • Be ready for engaging in deeper therapy experiences to continue your growth
    • Have had a profound experience

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    • Session #1: Biweekly In Person Groups: January 10, 2025 – February 21, 2025 3pm-6pm. Intensive Week: February 24-28, 2025, 8am-5pm daily.
    • Session #2: Biweekly In Person Groups: March 7, 2025 – April 18, 2025 3pm-6pm. Intensive Week: April 21-25, 2025, 8am-5pm daily.
    • Session #3: Biweekly In Person Groups: May 2, 2024 – June 13, 3pm-6pm. Intensive Week: June 16-20, 2025, 8am-5pm daily. 


    From Exhaustion to Vitality: Reclaiming Meaning, Joy and Love

    Tara McGee, MSW, RSW is an Intuitive Psychotherapist/Social Worker (OCSWSSW) and Yoga Therapist (IAYT). She is the Director of the Collingwood Psychotherapy and Yoga Centre.

    Tara’s mission is to help clients heal from the roots of trauma by engaging inner technologies so they can move from fragmentation towards wholeness. She empowers individuals to connect deeply with their inner worlds so they may embody higher principles such as love, joy, peace and compassion.

    Tara has been working in the field of mental health for over 20 years in various capacities, including as a wilderness guide, a counsellor at youth shelters and for women leaving abusive relationships, as a psychotherapist in community mental health, private practice and  a treatment centre for youth. She also offers clinical supervision and training for other psychotherapists and social workers hoping to deepen their work.

    She has been practicing yoga since she was 14 years old. She holds a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Certificate and a 1000+ hour Yoga Therapy Diploma and many hours of continuing education in yoga studies.

    She started Collingwood Psychotherapy & Yoga Centre in 2018 hoping to offer wholistic, skilled, impactful and inspiring therapeutic healing experiences for clients with trauma symptoms. Tara aims to embody the healing tools she employs and then to attune deeply to her clients so that she can offer them the most customized and precise healing experiences. She aims to be comprehensive in her approach and compassionate in her delivery. She loves her work and is grateful for the wisdom her clients have shared with her.

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    Join our community for a free Yoga Nidra recording to support your journey toward inner peace and healing from trauma!