HomeWorkshops, Groups and IntensivesFor Clients: Workshops, Groups, Intensives

Groups, Workshops, & Intensives

Men's Club

Facilitator: Peter Madore

Dates:  2025 Dates to be confirmed (8-weeks)

Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm

Cost: $500

Where: 126 Hurontario Street, Suite 201 – 8 places available

What: Men have rules that we follow with respect to our emotions and how we express them. Mostly, we don’t express, we mask with stoicism, we perform courage and quietly we bottle up all the hard stuff. The intention behind our performances are noble; I’ve heard men say that they are supposed to be the ones who keep it together, they…

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…have told me that they don’t want to be a burden to their families, and they have expressed that they fear being seen as “weak”. The “rules” can shackle us from our true selves. Men feel deeply.

I see my individual male clients stepping into who they really are by exploring their emotions. They are leading their own revolutions to be fully connected to themselves, their families and their communities. They are becoming whole.I am inviting the clients of CPYC to take part and encouraging more of us to take this risk to really know ourselves and each other.

It is in connection to others that we heal. It is in groups where we find the courage to share and be supports for others. The Men’s Club is an opportunity to express ourselves more fully, to create meaningful connections and to support each other to grow into our greater selves. 


  • Must be in regular psychotherapy
  • Ready to participate fully in group (listening, taking feedback, repairing relational breaks, sharing with vulnerability, owning our mistakes)
  • Willing to commit to all 8 sessions

If you are unsure or would like more information, please email peter@cpyc.ca 

Parenting From Within: Working with your Challenging Teen by Working with You

Facilitator: Tara McGee



Where: 126 Huronatio Street, Suite 201

What: A combination of seminar, experiential exercises and therapeutic group process focused on the principles and practices of parenting for maturity. It is requested that all people involved in parenting attend.

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  • To teach the principles and practices involved in parenting teens for maturity
  • To provide the opportunity for parents/caregivers to internalize and embody these principles and practices through self-reflection, role play,  group processing, and feedback.
  • To support parents as they try out these principles and practices at home.
  • To help parents/caregivers address common teen anxieties and behaviours as well as more extreme teen issues such as self harm, suicidal ideation, truancy, drug and alcohol use, and other mental health issues.
  • To work with your “stuff” to help you understand more fully how you shape the dynamics between you and your teen and how you can use this powerful truth to help them mature. Be prepared to do your own therapeutic work.

What you will Learn:

  • How to develop maturity in your teen
  • How to respond rather than react
  • How to influence rather than control
  • To set limits to teach rather than punish
  • To develop boundaries from values and connection to yourself
  • To improve your relationship with your teen and your self
  • To improve your relationship with your self and how that helps your teen
 increase the respect they have for you
  • To increase the respect you have for yourself and how that helps your teen
  • To be open to the messages your teen is sending that you don’t want to hear, but need to
  • The importance being on the same page if you have a co-parent/caregiver
  • How to embrace the parenting journey no matter what it looks like


Week 1: What is Maturity and how to shape it?
Week 2: Attunement as a key to shaping maturity
Week 3: Limits as the other key to shaping maturity
Week 4: Taking steps: Putting attunement and limits together
Week 5: The importance of your Self
Week 6: Parenting with others – avoiding splitting


Seminar followed by group process and/or experiential exercise.

Readings and podcasts will be assigned

Healing Collective Trauma - Group Process

Facilitator: Tara McGee

DatesDates for 2025 to be confirmed.

This group is by invitation only.



Where: 126 Hurontario Street, Suite 201, Collingwood, Ontario

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What is the intention:

A group that would utilize yoga and CRM tools and philosophies to work on healing not only our own trauma, the trauma of our lineages but to go beyond to intentionally work to heal the collective trauma that is plaguing our world. The intention would be to do healing work so as to impact the instability in the world and the destruction of the ecosystem. We will choose various intentions collectively  and work as a group or with individuals while in the group setting. We will then reflect together on the effect for your personal life, in your immediate family, friends, community, ecosystem and globally. The intention would be to heal not only ourselves but also beyond as the collective is in deep need of healing.

The group would be highly experiential, experimental and would require of you the ability to go deep into the work with the intention of allowing your work to radiate out beyond yourself.

Requirements to join:

  • Experience with the Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) or willingness and ability to engage in regular psychotherapy with a CRM practitioner
  • Very open minded and collaborative
  • Ability to remain grounded in the midst of possibly difficult material unfolding
  • Ability and commitment to hold a non-judgmental stance
  • Commitment to group processing even if it is a challenge (collective issues may emerge in group and this is a wonderful opportunity to clear them if we stay with the process)
  • Ability to commit to a short daily practice (5-10 minutes) to deepen the work
  • Access to your adult self
  • Open to working on any material that emerges individually with your own psychotherapist or a CRM psychotherapist as needed
  • Authorization from Tara (I want to make sure people are grounded enough to engage in the group – if you are not sure, please email me)

General Monthly Group Structure (subject to change based on what’s happening in the group and what we discover together):

  • 15 minutes – Debrief anything that came up between sessions
  • 10 minutes set group intention for target of collective healing
  • 20 minutes – embody with yoga/breathing/core self/resources
  • 45 minutes – process and breath work
  • 15 minutes -write down story and/or experience of process (somatic and emotion)
  • 15 minutes break
  • 45 minute debrief
  • 15 minute integrative meditation/movement/sound with New Truth – individual and group – recorded for use throughout the month

Homework to share with group in debrief :

  • Draw parallels between:
    • Your own life and the story that emerged
    • Your lineage’s patterns and the story that emerged
    • What is happening in the collective and the story that emerged
    • How the collective healing has impacted your life, your family, your relationships, the collective

Examples of issues we may target (but this will be decided collaboratively with the group):

  • Moral Conflicts/Paradoxes
  • Collective Conflicts/Community Conflicts
  • Persecutions (Political, religious, gender etc.)
  • Perpetrator activities
  • War
  • Subjugation of women/men/people/children/religious beliefs/moral beliefs/animals/planet/land/soil/ecosystems etc.
  • Loss of land/attachment disruption from tribe or community
  • Traumatic survival terror experiences (could include animal survival terror)
  • Attachment disruptions: Self from Intuition, Feminine from Masculine, Parents from children, Self from Source, People from Land, people from animals, people from each other – anything we can see as “current issues” in this timeline and can be traced back to attachment disruptions in the lineage.
  • Separation of mind from heart
  • Separations of Humans from Source directly
  • Judgement and ruthless condemnation
  • Corruption of authority that further corrupts
  • (This list is adapted from Lisa Schwarz’s CRM Generational CRM Training Manual, pg.18)

Healing Collective Trauma Group Intensive

 Facilitator: Tara McGee

Dates: 2025 date to be confirmed.


Cost of Intensive: Please contact us – this intensive is only for participants of the Healing Collective Trauma Group

Where: TBC

This will be an opportunity for the Healing Collective Trauma Group to consolidate the work we have done through the year. We will work both collaboratively and individually, as in the monthly groups, but in a more intensive environment.

General Daily structure of the intensive:

  • 7:45-8:45 Yoga Practice
  • 8:45-9:15 Pranayama and meditation
  • 9:15-10 Breakfast
  • 10-1 Group work
  • 1-2:30 – Lunch and Break
  • 2:30-5:30 Group work
  • 5:30-6 – Grounding work as needed
  • 6pm – Free time (free to go for walks, go into town for dinner, play, rest etc)


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Examples of issues we may target (but this will be decided collaboratively with the group):

  • Moral Conflicts/Paradoxes
  • Collective Conflicts/Community Conflicts
  • Persecutions (Political, religious, gender etc.)
  • Perpetrator activities
  • War
  • Subjugation of women/men/people/children/religious beliefs/moral beliefs/animals/planet/land/soil/ecosystems etc.
  • Loss of land/attachment disruption from tribe or community
  • Traumatic survival terror experiences (could include animal survival terror)
  • Attachment disruptions: Self from Intuition, Feminine from Masculine, Parents from children, Self from Source, People from Land, people from animals, people from each other – anything we can see as “current issues” in this timeline and can be traced back to attachment disruptions in the lineage.
  • Separation of mind from heart
  • Separations of Humans from Source directly
  • Judgement and ruthless condemnation
  • Corruption of authority that further corrupts

Our Mission

To provide clients with an accepting, friendly space to discover their healing path and to develop therapeutic relationships that sustain, inspire and guide them.

To provide clients with highly skilled, self responsible and self aware psychotherapists and yoga therapists who are always striving to learn about advancements in their fields and to continually develop themselves.

To create psychoeducational opportunities for clients to empower them to learn about their symptoms and how they can move towards healing and growth.

To provide innovative training programs that develop highly competent, self aware, self responsible, and inspiring psychotherapists and yoga therapists.